Carolin Reichherzer, PhD


Hi, I'm Carolin! I'm a Research Scientist in all things AR/VR. I am passionate about delivering novel AR/VR experiences for everyone that delight and connect people in new ways.

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Holodeck for the Deutsches Museum

Holodeck is an interactive installation for the Deutsches Museum that visualises Osteoporosis. A piece of glass was installed above the screen that conveys the illusion of floating holograms, transporting the idea of the fragility of the topic.


KAVOK was an asset management system designed to browse large files with an integrated task management system. This involved the early stages design work from generating wireframes up to the final UI with pixel-perfect icons.



decoded – conference

decoded was a conference dedicated to creative technologists, UX designers and developers. The logo was created via code, with each key stroke creating new shapes. Every speaker and attending guest received a name badge with their individual shape.
